REALA: Gave us three posters: 'A meta prezzo', '2005', 'I'm loving it' |
DEFAULT TAPE: Writing is cut through the tape. |
One of the posters we had to fill in. |
A META PREZZO: Meaning for half price, and our concept was default. |
I'M LOVING IT: The poster with our invention: me, Christina Follmer and Mr.Protugese. |
REMOTE CONTROL PEN: Attached to the remote control car the participants experimented writing on poster. |
End of the day. |
I AM A USEFUL THING: 'To invent a tool can also make the designers life much easier and more enjoyful: this is the theme of 'I am a
useful thing' the workshop that the eclectic graphic designers group Reala will give at Fabrica, from May 19 to 21 2004.
The 'invention' that the young grant holders of Fabrica will have to transform into reality during the three days workshop will have to help and make the realization of their ideas faster, funnier and easier: it won't have to be necessarely connected to a theme or
to a specific discipline and should be used in different situations and by different people.
Reala is a graphic design bureau working professionally since 1999, with offices in Stockholm and London. The company consists of three people:
Samuel Nyholm and Jonas Williamsson from Sweden, and Laurent Benner from Switzerland. Reala works in the areas of graphic design, illustration
and animation.' |